2019-03-18 - -
2004-08-31 - It's starts stopping when it starts stopping...
2004-08-29 - Drama, drama, drama...
2004-08-24 - Indie as fuck
2004-08-23 - Fuck you, you fucking fuckers.
2004-08-14 - Nothing to say, really.
2004-08-04 - An update for the sake of an update.
2004-07-09 - Pity Party for One
2004-06-29 - what has the world come to?
2004-06-19 - letters
2004-06-17 - Let's turn this motherfuckin' party out.
2004-06-15 - I return.
2004-05-30 - "Dance with me here in the spotlight..."
2004-05-28 - Another boring update.
2004-05-23 - *rocks back and forth* Sark...
2004-05-19 - I used to be fun
2004-05-14 - I'm getting paid for this?
2004-05-10 - DA.net updates
2004-05-09 - Blah.
2004-05-06 - Sethela, muffin, come baaack!
2004-05-04 - It's the end of the world as we know it...
2004-04-30 - I *heart* Chanandler Bong
2004-04-27 - I've been cheating on you
2004-04-21 - A very strange, enchanted girl
2004-04-19 - Now's about the time a robot would be handy.
2004-04-16 - I'm Miss Black, and I approved this message.
2004-04-15 - Thy master commands you.
2004-04-14 - Babies don't suck that much, I guess.
2004-04-12 - "I never lost control."
2004-04-08 - I'm off.
2004-04-05 - Why isn't the fucking OC on?
2004-04-05 - Karma's a bitch.
2004-04-03 - If I had a clone...
2004-04-02 - And a statue of David that pisses vodka.
2004-04-02 - Everyone! Focus your attention on me!
2004-03-31 - And now for something completely different.
2004-03-30 - "It's impervious to stains."
2004-03-30 - The Dread Pirate Roberts :: 2004-2004 :: RIP
2004-03-29 - Another day, another template.
2004-03-29 - I'm blaming everything on Satan.
2004-03-25 - When I take over, politics are the first to go.
2004-03-24 - Shopping *is* my therapy.
2004-03-20 - I'm rebelling against subject titles today.
2004-03-18 - Wherein I bitch some more about the Roommate.
2004-03-17 - I'm like a [expletive deleted] Osbourne, for [expletive deleted] sake.
2004-03-15 - 'School spirit'? What is this?
2004-03-11 - "Sometimes we kiss when we are alone..."
2004-03-10 - Another hockey post. Sorry.
2004-03-09 - My mind is a terrifying, wondrous force.
- My livejournal policy.
- Fanlistings
2004-03-06 - I wish I was a vigilante.
2004-03-04 - My one true love.
2004-03-02 - Warning: Religious ranting contained below.
2004-03-01 - I'm really fangirly today. I apologize.
2004-02-27 - I <3 the Edmonton Oilers.
2004-02-25 - I may be tiny, but I'll fuck your shit up *grin*!
2004-02-24 - And yet more bitching about the Roommate.
2004-02-23 - I feel pretty, oh so pretty!
2004-02-22 - My name is Inigo Montoya...
2004-02-21 - Jack Motherfuckin' Bristow, baby!
2004-02-20 - I say cock a lot in this one. Deal with it.
2004-02-19 - Wanted: One talented, fully assembled band.
2004-02-18 - The Last survey.
2004-02-18 - Miss Black's Soundtrack
2004-02-18 - I will fucking pull a "Shining" on her ass.
2004-02-16 - A new career?
2004-02-13 - What I Want
2004-02-12 - For your information, I'm insane.
2004-02-11 - Cupid can suck rancid donkey cocks.
2004-02-10 - Angry letters to people I hate.
2004-01-31 - I am the other woman.
2004-01-27 - Ooh. A new magical power...
2004-01-26 - I'll like Nickelback when hell freezes over.
- The Playahs
2004-01-25 - A chance encounter in the laundry room...
- 47 things you didn't know you wanted to know...
2004-01-24 - A letter to my Student Loans rep...
2004-01-23 - A bucket of margaritas...
2004-01-22 - On the hunt...
2004-01-20 - Woohoo! Boy on boy!
2004-01-19 - Damn cowboys...
2004-01-14 - A tiny Alias rant, and a tiny LoTR rave.
- Diaryrings: just a few of my obsessions.
2004-01-09 - My kingdom for a PS2...
2003-12-31 - The last of the year...
2003-12-23 - Happy Hols, everyone!
2003-12-15 - A sarong, Lex Luthor, and sexual frustration. Merry Faux X-mas!
2003-12-05 - Whyyeee!?!
2003-12-01 - I love Hugh Grant. No, really.
2003-11-23 - A Night In with Miss Black
2003-11-22 - About a boy...
2003-11-16 - Mmm... Sex on a stick.
2003-11-13 - A Happy Jig
2003-10-04 - Independence
2003-10-03 - First of many...
happiness is a warm gun